Airport info

All flight operations are conducted using the normal operating procedures for the airport. Pilots need to adhere to these regulations. The airport is PPR at all time. Registered pilots will receive an email containing the latest information on Friday and do not need to file a PPR request with the airport authority.

Brustem Radio: 119.980 (8.33 KHZ CH)

   Flight operations: +32(0)473 97 61 99 – EBST Tower
   All other information: +32 (0)475 28 38 42 – BPA Organizer

Elevation: 151 Ft MSL

Position: N 050°47’31” and E 005°12’06”

RWY: 06/24 - 1199 m x 50 m - asphalt

Notams: Information about the current notams can be found on Skeyes.

Opening times:
Arrivals : 10:00 - 16:00
Departures: 11:00 - 17:00

CUSTOMS: not available


Pilots wishing to refuel need to inform the organizer BEFORE departure to the event. After landing you will need to refuel and then be relocated to the parking area.


  • All aircraft must be insured in compliance with the European regulation n° 785-2004.
  • Radio contact with Brustem Radio is compulsory as stated in the AIP.
  • Brustem Radio is not ATC. ONLY info is given. Tower may advice on routing and traffic but at all times you as a pilot are the sole responsible for safety and separation with other aircraft in the air and on the ground.
  • No aerobatics are allowed
  • No overflying of any public
  • If you wish to perform a local flight you must receive authorization of the tower before startup.
  • Fly-by’s are only allowed after consulting with the tower.
  • The airport owner nor the organizer are responsible for damage to aircraft or equipment when visiting the event.

Click on the map for a larger image
