What's it all about ?


Together we are strong!

On one hand, there are the users: aircraft owners, pilots without their own aircraft, students, commercial pilots, commercial companies... each with their needs, questions, and expectations regarding the airfield they call their "home base." On the other hand, the operation of the airfield is spread across various parties (Droneport, LRA, Cuisine, etc.), making it sometimes difficult to direct the right question to the right party.

BPA aims to unite all pilots so we can speak with one voice to the operators. This way, we can also make our expectations known, and discussions can be more straightforward. When multiple members report an issue, BPA will address it and work with the operators to find a solution.

Our association is a member of VVMV, which means all our members are also members of VVMV (link for more info).


As an association, we will be able to organize various activities at our airfield.

BPA will organize speakers, info sessions, and other activities for its members throughout the year at regular intervals. We call them our "hangar flying" sessions.

Of course, we will also cater to our social needs: an end-of-year drink, BBQ, or something similar will definitely take place during the year.

Do you have an idea for an activity as a member? Let us know!

Of course, we will have flying activities, that goes without saying.


Every pilot should feel at home at their home base. You should enjoy spending time there, even when you're not flying. A good flight should start when you drive into the parking lot and (usually) end at the bar. BPA wants to ensure this experience by combining the useful with the pleasant.

Our goal is to have people meet and get to know each other.  Let's build an aviation community at Droneport so everyone can enjoy the exhilarations of flight.